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Showing posts with the label skin

What Does Pumpkin Do for Your Skin? Pumpkin Benefits for Skin and 7 Pumpkin Skincare Products to Try

What Does Pumpkin Do for Your Skin? Pumpkin Benefits for Skin and 7 Pumpkin Skincare Products to Try. Pumpkin has many benefits for your skin. Pumpkin is a type of squash with components that promote skin health, making it the perfect ingredient for skin care products.  The ingredients in pumpkin enzymes that promote healthy skin include Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA), Beta Carotene/Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Zinc ( , ). AHA is a gentle exfoliator that promotes shedding dead skin cells to improve the look and feel of rough and bumpy skin Beta Carotene is a form of Vitamin A that stimulates collagen production to plump and firm Vitamin C tones, brightens and provides a barrier against harsh environmental factors  Zinc can prevent or treat breakouts by reducing inflammation, oil and bacteria 7 Pumpkin Skincare Products to Try Test new products on a small area of your skin to ensure you tolerate it before applying to the entire affected area. **This post contains affi

How to Keep Bamboo Fabric Soft. Washing, Drying and Storage Instructions for Bamboo Fabric.

How to Keep Bamboo Fabric Soft.  Washing, Drying and Storage Instructions  for Bamboo Fabric. Bamboo fabric is trending, and I don't see the obsession going away anytime soon. Bamboo fabric is soft, stretchy, lightweight and breathable. Bamboo fabric is well tolerated by little persons who suffer from  eczema  and sensitive skin. Bamboo fabric is a worthy investment. The stretch factor makes garments last longer for growing kids and adults whose weight fluctuates. Bamboo brands often have loyalists who frequent  buy, sell, trade facebook groups , meaning there is a resale market .   Posh Peanut is my favorite, Check out this post for more  bamboo brands to try. Bamboo has somewhat of a reputation for being bougie when it comes to caring for it, but don't let that deter you! Consider this your bamboo fabric care instruction guide to keep your garments soft and maximize your return on investment if you plan to  resale . **This post contains affiliate links. I earn small commissi

Best Laundry Products for Eczema and Sensitive Skin

Best Laundry Products  for Eczema and Sensitive Skin My daughter and I both experience eczema symptoms. As a physician assistant, I've treated countless clients with contact dermatitis from the wrong laundry products.  Laundry products can trigger symptoms for individuals who suffer from  eczema  and sensitive skin. The best treatment for eczema and sensitive skin is to identify and avoid irritants and triggers.  Let's look at the best laundry products for eczema and sensitive skin.  **This post contains affiliate links. I earn small commissions for clicks that result in qualified purchases at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support! Less is More The best laundry products for eczema and sensitive skin is BASIC. Keep it simple. Choose fragrance-free formulations. Popular branding terms are free, gentle, hypoallergenic, sensitive and unscented. Laundry detergents that seem to be well tolerated by individuals with eczema and sensitive skin include  All free & clear , 

What causes bumpy skin on arms? How you can get rid of it.

What causes bumpy skin on arms?  Bumpy skin on arms is caused by Keratosis Pilaris (KP). Keratosis Pilaris is a common skin variant that occurs when a protein in the skin called Keratin builds up and blocks the opening of the hair follicle causing bumpy skin on arms, legs or buttocks ( source: Mayo Clinic ). While the cause is unknown, it could be genetic or linked to conditions such as  eczema . Keratosis Pilaris is not contagious or dangerous and cannot be cured, but the look and feel of the skin can be improved if desired.  Can you get rid of Keratosis Pilaris? Yes and no. Keratosis Pilaris can't be cured, but symptoms can be controlled with the right skincare regimen. Gentle Exfoliation   Use an  exfoliation brush  while in the bath or shower to mechanically loosen and slough off dead skin that can contribute to clogging the hair follicles. Follow with a topical exfoliant such as  First Aid Beauty KP Bump Eraser Body Scrub   (commissions earned) .  Mediation application Apply o

Should You Use Talc-Free Makeup?

Should You Use Talc-Free Makeup?  Let's talk talc. Say that five times fast! Talc is the ingredient that caused me to toss half of my make up stash in the trash. Talc is a common ingredient across many products in the makeup and personal care product industry; in fact, it's often the first ingredient listed! Talc may sound familiar to you as it was at the center of the multibillion dollar Jonson & Johnson lawsuit. To summarize, many of the plaintiffs claimed that the talc used in Johnson & Johnson baby powder was contaminated with asbestos, a known carcinogen. And that this exposure to asbestos from using the product led to the development of gynecologic and lung cancers. As of 2020, talc has been replaced with cornstarch in  Johnson & Johnson baby powder  (commissions earned). For more information on the case, check out this  New York Times article . Now, back to makeup.  The problem. Talc is a common ingredient in makeup and personal care products, particularly bl

How Can I Treat Eczema in My Child at Home? Lifestyle Changes to Treat Eczema at Home.

How Can I Treat Eczema in My Child at Home? Lifestyle Changes to Treat Eczema at Home. Let's talk eczema.I'm sure you've heard of it, even if you haven't personally experienced it.  Eczema is a condition that seems synonymous with childhood, though all ages can be affected. Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is characterized by dry, itchy patches of skin.  In children, eczema patches are common in the elbow creases as pictured, and behind the knees. Eczema is common, affecting 10-20% of infants according to  Cleveland Clinic . There is no cure for eczema, but symptom control is possible, and those affected tend to "outgrow" the condition. Once you identify and remove allergens, irritants and triggers, eczema often becomes a thing of the past.  My daughter and I both have eczema, and I've treated many clients with it during my career. Eczema symptoms can be uncomfortable and lead to cuts in the skin that are prone to secondary infection. Let's look at lifest

Suffering from dry skin?! 5 things to stop doing to relieve dry skin.

Suffering from dry skin?! 5 things to stop doing to relieve dry skin.  Let's talk dry skin. Your skin is your largest organ, your body's interface with and protection from the environment. Keep it moisturized and intact! I trained in a dermatology office as a physician assistant student. Dry skin was a common complaint. Many clients were shocked at the advice they were given: "I paid a specialist copay for this?!" was a common sentiment. Relieve dry skin by stopping these 5 things, and you may save yourself a trip to the doctor's office! 1. Bathing Frequently  Water exposure can be drying and irritating. Reevaluate how many times you are bathing, and for how long. Consider decreasing the overall amount of time you are immersed in water.   2. Bathing in hot water Hot water is especially drying. In addition to the amount of time you spend in water, consider lowering the temperature of the water. Check out this  article  that says ideal water temperature is between 9

Mongolian spots - don’t mistake them for bruises!

Let’s talk Mongolian spots. Have you heard of them? I’m shocked at how many people haven’t, particularly those who work with children. I suppose it depends largely on the demographics of your area. Mongolian spots are areas of increased melanocyte activity (melanocytes are the cells that produce pigment or color in our skin). These spots are most common in people with tan or brown skin; Asian, Native American, Hispanic, East Indian, African. Mongolian spots are congenital, meaning they appear at or shorty after birth, and they may or may not fade or disappear over time. They are completely benign, and are not associated with any other medical conditions. Because Mongolian spots are common on the back at the base of the spine and on the buttocks, and tend to be bluish gray in color, they can look like bruises.  The majority of professionals who work with or may come in contact with children are mandatory reporters. This means that if we SUSPECT child abuse, then we are required to repor

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