Back to School Picture Ideas 2023 No matter how you do school, taking back to school pictures at the start of each new year is a great way to document growth and change. Let's look at a few ways to commemorate the first day of school. **This post contains affiliate links. I earn small commissions from clicks that result in qualifying purchases at no extra cost to you. Thank you for your support! Say it with a Sign Use a chalkboard sign or felt letter board (commissions earned). This is a great investment, because you can change the details year after year. Document the grade level, interests/aspirations, teacher or parent if you homeschool. Chalk it up Use sidewalk chalk to create a masterpiece your child can pose with (commissions earned). Write their grade level and use their school colors or mascot for inspiration. My mascot was a greyhound. If I couldn't tap my artistic friend to draw a greyhound, I could probably swing a set of paw pr...
Content warning: mentions cancer and death If I had a dollar for every time a patient came into my office and said they “want to be checked for cancer,” well…I probably wouldn’t be writing this blog post! There is no single universal test for cancer, but common things happen commonly. Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths when men and women are combined ( ). Screening for colorectal cancer should be on your list to be “checked for cancer.” For those at average risk, screening for colorectal cancer should begin at age 45 ( ). If you want to know more about colorectal cancer incidence, risk factors and screening methods, then check out last week's blog post here . I am at increased risk for colorectal cancer, because my father died from complications of colon cancer when he was only 45. So though I’m only in my thirties, I’ve already had my first screening colonoscopy, which is the gold standard screening method for individuals a...