How Can I Treat Eczema in My Child at Home? Lifestyle Changes to Treat Eczema at Home. Let's talk eczema.I'm sure you've heard of it, even if you haven't personally experienced it. Eczema is a condition that seems synonymous with childhood, though all ages can be affected. Eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is characterized by dry, itchy patches of skin. In children, eczema patches are common in the elbow creases as pictured, and behind the knees. Eczema is common, affecting 10-20% of infants according to Cleveland Clinic . There is no cure for eczema, but symptom control is possible, and those affected tend to "outgrow" the condition. Once you identify and remove allergens, irritants and triggers, eczema often becomes a thing of the past. My daughter and I both have eczema, and I've treated many clients with it during my career. Eczema symptoms can be uncomfortable and lead to cuts in the skin that are prone to secondary infection. Let's look at lifest...
Content warning: mentions cancer and death If I had a dollar for every time a patient came into my office and said they “want to be checked for cancer,” well…I probably wouldn’t be writing this blog post! There is no single universal test for cancer, but common things happen commonly. Colorectal cancer is the second most common cause of cancer deaths when men and women are combined ( ). Screening for colorectal cancer should be on your list to be “checked for cancer.” For those at average risk, screening for colorectal cancer should begin at age 45 ( ). If you want to know more about colorectal cancer incidence, risk factors and screening methods, then check out last week's blog post here . I am at increased risk for colorectal cancer, because my father died from complications of colon cancer when he was only 45. So though I’m only in my thirties, I’ve already had my first screening colonoscopy, which is the gold standard screening method for individuals a...