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Safety in Public: How to Prevent Losing a Child

Safety in Public How to Prevent Losing a Child Children tend to be curious and impulsive. Especially young children that are newly mobile and better able to explore the world around them.  They are only beginning to learn to experience and control emotions, and may be unhindered by safety concerns.  As grown ups, we must strike a balance between allowing children to explore while keeping them safe. Luckily, there are several techniques and products that promote safety in public and help prevent losing a child.  ***This post contains affiliate links. I earn small commissions from clicks and qualified purchases at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support! Before you head out An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Do your best to prevent losing a child! Sometimes the mere act of preparing is enough to ward off an undesirable outcome.  Know your limits. It's okay if the openness of the park or the public pool isn't for you in this season. Go where you feel confident

Promote Speech and Language Development: Tools to Help Your Toddler Talk

Promote Speech and Language Development: Tools to Help Your Toddler Talk April is Autism Awareness Month. Speech Delay can coincide with Autism. Communication is always a goal for toddlers, whether communication delay is present or not.  You can benefit from tools to promote speech and language development whether your little one is meeting communication milestones or not.  Let's look at tools to help YOU help your toddler talk. Start with Sign Language Starting with or relying on sign language is not a hindrance to speech development - quite the opposite! Children mimic motor movements or move their bodies sooner than they say words.  Using signs to communicate can help your child get their needs met and reduce frustration while facilitating the use of spoken words. Use Mirrors Liberally What little one doesn't like to look at themselves? They may like to communicate with their reflection. Full length mirrors are great to show body movements that are an important pre-speech in

Door Security: 5 Cheap Ways to Secure a Door

 Door Security: 5 Cheap Ways to Secure a Door There are many reasons to seek door security. Whether you're at home or in a hotel, you may wish to secure a door for peace of mind.  Perhaps a pricey security system isn't in the budget, or you're a renter not yet in your forever home and unable to install cameras, etc. Spring break is upon us, heralding the busy travel season.  You might have someone in the home that likes to open and close doors, is beckoned by the outdoors, and may be unaware of the potential dangers of wandering outside.  Safety should be a priority wherever you find yourself. Let's look at 5 cheap ways to secure a door.  Warning: there may be times when entry is desired, such as in the case of an emergency. Added security measures such as these could thwart such efforts and affect timely intervention.  **This post contains affiliate links. I earn small commissions from clicks and qualified purchases at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support!  Br

Get Rid of Leg Cramps at Night

 Get Rid of Leg Cramps at Night This American Academy of Family Physicians article  states that up to 60 percent of adults and 7 percent of children experience leg cramps at night. If you count yourself among that percentage, then you know that leg cramps are definitely sleep disruptors. While there are many things you can do to get rid of leg cramps at night, you first want to rule out an  underlying medical condition  (Mayo Clinic).  ***This post contains affiliate links. I earn small commissions from clicks and qualified purchases at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support! Get Rid of Leg Cramps at Night Stretch your Calf Muscles Most of us use the calf muscles in our lower legs all day long. When you walk, run, drive, and go up and down steps; your calf muscles are shortening or contracting. Most of us skimp on stretching to counteract the contracting of our muscles all day long. On top of using our calves throughout the day, those muscles are naturally in a slightly shorten

Life Lessons from Rockefeller

Life Lessons from Rockefeller That's John D. Rockerfeller, Sr. I'm sure you've heard of him. He was a gilded age magnate who revolutionized industry in America and abroad.  Most known for The Standard Oil Company, Rockefeller was a shrewd businessman. He built a monopoly when there were not yet laws concerning big business. Monopolies such as Standard Oil were what led to anti-trust laws in America.  Rockefeller, Sr.'s Standard Oil was referred to as an octopus whose tentacles snaked across America along train tracks and pipelines. Regardless of how you feel about John D. Rockefeller, Sr., the man was a smashing success. Let's look at some life lessons from Rockefeller.  This post was inspired by the biography  Titan: The Life of John D. Rockefeller, Sr. by Ron Chernow  (affiliate link). Strict Schedule Rockefeller adhered to a strict daily schedule. He had great sleep hygiene , and would rise and retire at the same time every day. He ate similar foods, and played g

Is Counting Calories a Good Way to Lose Weight?

Is Counting Calories  a Good Way to Lose Weight? While losing weight is not quite as simple as burning more calories than you consume, counting calories can be a good way to lose weight.  In my post about following a healthy eating plan , I state that counting calories can lead to disordered eating. The truth is lots of things can lead to disordered eating. Counting calories can be a good weight loss strategy if done right.  What is a Calorie? Check out this  Eatingwell article  to learn about calories and how many you need to consume per day. The daily calorie count is generally based on age and gender, but can vary based on different circumstances - if you're pregnant, for example.  A calorie deficit is just one component of weight loss. If you restrict calories too much, your body can switch into famine mode. Your metabolism will slow down if your body thinks food is scarce, which would be counterproductive to your weight loss journey. Counting Calories is ONE Way to Lose Weight

Holiday Homesick

Holiday Homesick Not everyone can be home for the holidays. If you're far from familiar people and places, the holiday season can be tough. Know that you're not alone.  Perhaps you associate the holiday season with spending quality time with loved ones. Maybe you made pasta, baked cookies, picked out a Christmas tree or went to see light displays.  The holiday season can also be tough if it left much to be desired growing up, or you're grieving. So what should you do if you're experiencing holiday homesickness? ***This post contains affiliate links. I earn small commissions from clicks and qualified purchases at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support! Give Yourself Grace Feeling homesick during the holidays is normal. The holiday season can be a stressful time filled with busyness and expectations. It doesn't have to be. Don't consider yourself a grinch or scrooge if you're just not feeling it. Do all the things if it makes you happy. Do nothing if it

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